Today is Halloween! My most favorite holiday of the year. I like dressing up and Ginger gets so excited about going around in costume. I dressed up in my pirate costume again for work (for the kids… no, really, it was… whatever!) and I have to say, my eyeliner made quite the impression on some …
Monthly Archive: October 2011
Now I’m a sicky-poo
I woke up sick today. Bummer! I spent some time last night preparing for my 2-5 minute lesson about The Book of Jacob and didn’t get to give it. I know lots more about The Book of Jacob now and I finally feel like I have a good grasp on the meaning behind the allegory …
Heart Boiled Eggs
We were planning to go to a pumpkin patch today to take pictures of the kids, but it didn’t happen. Instead, Grandma Sue came over and hung out with the youngins and they had a great time. Dar and Tara went grocery shopping in the afternoon so I decided to do this thing hard-boiled eggs …
Ginger is a sicky-poo.
Poor little G was sick all day. I mean, ALL DAY! All the girl did today was hold down the couch and fill up the puke bowl. I took her to the store with me to get some Pedialyte, Saltines, and ice cream and she was excited to pick out the Pedialyte flavor she wanted. …
Finally, Las Flores!
Tara took me out for lunch today at Las Flores. We’ve tried to match up our schedules since last friday, and today is the first day it worked out. I’m still new to this blogging schtick so I didn’t take a picture of the food… oops. Next time, I promise. But believe me when I …
Belated B-day Celebration
Ginger recently solved the worlds aches and pains. It’s our funny bones. Yep, funny bones. In the past week or so her funny bone has made her sick, given her bad dreams, given her a tummy ache and made her tired. Do they even make funny bone medicine? I think she’s really on to something here …
Pala Training
Finished up the “Strategic Planning Retreat” in Pala today. Man, I love Pala. The weather was a perfect change from the desert, it was overcast and cool all day… and the best part? I got to go come home to my family! The training was interesting, Clint Hackney was hired to take all the managers …
My Namesake
I was at a training for work today at Pala Resort and Casino which put me within an hour of Caleb Jasper Horman, my namesake, so I decided to drop by for a visit. It was really nice to spend some time with Ashna, Preston, Carter, Caleb, and Grandma Suzanne. Caleb weighs all of 5 …
Stand as Witnesses
Went to Church today. I was asked to share a spiritual message in my Priesthood Executive Meeting this morning. I chose to share a very touching talk from this October’s General Conference by President Henry B. Eyring entitled “A Witness“. Here are the two sections I shared: I was once invited to speak at graduation …
Outlaw Pinewood Derby
Tonight is the big night. Over the past two weeks I’ve spent about 8 hours or more working on my Outlaw Pinewood Derby Car and IT DOESN’T WORK! Awe Barnacles! It’s a serious contraption with springs, levers, release pins, sharp points, CO2 cartridges, and a gopher trap. This thing is a beast, and quite dangerous …