Well, today is my B-day. Dar called me and her whole 4th Grade class just sang me the Happy B-day Cha Cha Cha song. Adorable! No real b-day plans today, I have a big meeting at work or I would be having a b-day lunch at Las Flores with Tara. It’s only the best little hole in the wall Mexican joint in Coachella. You know a place is good when they’re only open for breakfast and lunch because they keep getting robbed as soon as the sun goes down. We’re planning to go next Wednesday. I’m gonna go do the official weigh in today so I can start my diet right. There is a clinic where I work and they’ll let me use their fancy scale. 323 is my prediction. I’ve got 98 days till the Spartan Race and really need to lose some weight. What’s reasonable? 10 pounds a month? Maybe not, but that’ll be my goal. My goal is to weigh 293 by the end of January.
Okay, I was over the mark by a bit. I current weight is 318.6 so that means my new goal is 288.6 by January 28th. I’ve been getting the “Workout of the Day” emails from SpartanRace.com and so far they have provided me a good laugh. Here’s what they sent me:
WOD for 10-21-11
“There is no secret to success. What exists is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. “~ Colin PowellLet’s keep it simple but brutal. Endurance and strength.
2 mile run
200 lunges
100 push ups
2-4 mile run
200 body weight squats
100 burpees
2-4 mile run
There is 6-10 miles of running involved in this workout… HAHAHAHAHA And 100 burpees? I’ve never done a single burpee and doubt I could get through 10 without dying. Maybe someday but it’s gonna take some time to get there. Needles to say, I won’t be attempting this today.
This has turned out to be one great b-day! During the meeting this morning my Boss sent one of my co-workers to get a cake and she came back with this huge Oreo cake and a single piece of carrot cake just for me. Earlier this morning I was telling my coworker that, for my b-day, Dar usually makes me the absolute best carrot cake from total scratch (she even grates the carrots) and then puts this frothy, candied frosting on top. So while she was at the store for the Oreo cake, she picked a single piece of carrot cause she knew its my favorite. So the meeting ran long by a few hours and then there was this cake, but I hadn’t had lunch yet… so my tummy is full of cake and my lunch is still in its bag. I’m training for a Spartan Race people, which means I’m counting calories… I can’t have lunch and cake!
I was surprised today by a little handy work from some of the sneakier people in my office. While I was out, they collected up all the hole-punches in Southern California and flung their contents all over my nice shiny office. It was like all the attendees had a sneezing fit while gathered on my desk for a hole-punch convention. It was rather funny but took almost 30 minutes to vacuum. I felt loved.
By far, the best part of my day was news from a very dear friend. Ashna and her husband Preston had their second child today, a boy. He was 6lbs 9oz, 20 inches, and he was born at 8:12 am… on MY BIRTHDAY… well, OUR BIRTHDAY. I’ve known Ashna since high school, in fact, she’s the one who first introduced me to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Because of the seed she planted in me and the example that her family showed me, I was baptized. I was so close to her family that I asked her father to baptize me. Last year I was Sealed to my Wife and Children in the Temple for all time and eternity, thank you Ashna. But wait, there’s more. She texted me this morning with this picture and the
conversation went like this.
Ashna: My dear friend… I am pleased to introduce you to… (long pause) Caleb Jasper Horman.
Me: Adorable! Love the name! Congrats!!! He looks just like Carter.
Ashna: 6lbs 9oz 20 inches at 8:12am
Ashna: I thought you would like the name!… it’s a great name from a great guy… You!
Me: Awesome! I’m so happy for you!!! I’ll be near you on Monday and Tuesday….. Wait What???? Holy…. Oh my gosh Ashna, I don’t know what to say…
It seemed at that point I should stop texting and call her, so I did. I must have sounded like a bumbling fool. I couldn’t find any words to express how I felt and still can’t. You see, my middle name is Kaleb. My parents decided to step away from the traditional spelling and use a K instead of a C. I imagine that Ashna and Preston went with Caleb (with a C) because their first son’s name is Carter and they could stick with a C theme that way. My heart welled over and at several points during the 4 hour meeting after our conversation, I was almost overcome with emotion and had to wipe my eyes. Ashna and Preston, I am truly honored. Your son is beautiful. We have all been blessed today, thank you.