What a beautiful day, rainy and overcast again! I love this weather. I helped clean the Church building today and had a cycling date with Tyler afterward. He must have either forgot or thought I wouldn’t want to go in the rain but he was wrong. When I called him at 9:45 am he tried to get out of it but I was persistent and I’m glad because it turned out to be an awesome ride. I got to see Napoleon and he even remembered me. He’s such a cool dog and he has a beautiful face, all thick-lipped and squishy. The rain stopped falling just as we started, it couldn’t have been timed better.
This was taken about half way through the ride. When Dar saw this photo she said that I look huge compared to Tyler… Awe, thanks babe. I tried to explain that I’m taller and closer to the camera. It also doesn’t help that I am huge compared to Tyler… really though, the camera angle makes it even worse. What do you think? Leave your thoughts in the comments section at the bottom of this post. Here’s the route we took. The computer on my bike told me that we rode 6.5 miles but Google Maps says its only 5.5 miles. What does Google know anyway!?! Stupid Google, taking back a whole mile from my ride. Okay, I’m better now. I felt great at the end of the ride and Tyler even gave me a parting gift. He bagged up his old Xbox with all kinds of games and is letting me borrow it. SWEET, Thanks Bro!After I got home and devoured lunch it started raining pretty hard again so G just had to go out and play in it. She has some really cute rain gear so when it rains (twice a year for about 48 seconds) she gets super excited to put it on and go puddle jumping.
She took a break from sloshing around to kick up the mushrooms that keep popping up in my yard. They’re funny little round buggers that really root deep in the grass so its hard to get them out. They have spread and I was amazed to see just how many we actually had. I told G that we could go eat them in a salad and she just gave me the “Dad, stop teasing me” look. She can tell when I’m messing with her sometimes now, I’m gonna have to step up my game.
We decided that since we only had about 3 diapers left in the house for The Boy, it would be a good idea to take a family trip to SKOSSCO (Costco – I like Ginger’s version better though) to get diapers and then have awesome SKOSSCO pizza for dinner. Everybody loves SKOSSCO pizza. Did you know that they don’t keep veggie pizza hot and ready but they’ll make one if you order it? We always forget to call while on our way there, so we end up calling from within the store while we’re shopping and then have to get creative about killing time until the AWESOME SKOSSCO PIZZA is ready. I had the kids because Dar was at the Craft Boutique again so we met up there. She called me as we were pulling up to tell me that she was locked out of her car. I was confused by this because she has a keypad on her door that can be used to unlock the car. Apparently the keypad system stops working if you enter the wrong code a few times. HAHA! Silly Dar! It only locks you out for about 30 seconds though. I wonder how much that useless feature cost me.
Detour <tires screech to a halt> to Jadabugs to check out this new stroller that Dar has been drooling over. I have to admit it’s pretty sweet! It’s like they took two really nice strollers and duct taped them together. Each has all kinds of adjustments that work independent from the other side. One kid can sleep while the other sits up, or one is shaded by the canopy while the other is getting a gnarly forehead burn cause Daddy forgot to reapply the SPF 1800. We’re gonna try to sell our single seat BOB Jogger to get this new fangled contraption.
AWE BARNACLES!!! Dar found the Nog, now she’s gonna get all nogged up and start saying embarrassing things, hitting on strangers, and falling down all over the house. At least she waits till the kids are asleep before hitting the nog but
I’m thinking of sending her to a twelve step program for her habit.
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Out for breakfast - alexcotton.com » alexcotton.com
November 25, 2011 at 7:39 pm (UTC -8) Link to this comment
[…] to move the leaf to the current day. She’s so cute! I finally got around to hooking up the Xbox Tyler let me borrow. I’m not sure when I’ll have time to play it but I’ll deal with one thing at a […]