Dar and I both forgot that on Monday nights G has dance. Oops. I was planning on taking both of the kids for a bike ride the second I got home but right before I left work Dar reminded me about dance. I met the fam at the dance studio and was greeted with smiling faces. That’s what I like, a happy wife and kids!
Dar took G inside and I, being the thoughtful husband that I am, downloaded the 2nd Nikki Heat book to the kindle so Dar would have something to read. It’s a book from a fictional writer on a TV show called Castle. It’s a fun show about NYC cops and a tagalong writer who all get into hairy situations while solving murders. Dar and I DVR it, but don’t always get to watch it right away. Anyhoo, I took The Boy home and we went on a bike ride. He was hungry so I made him a bottle and he was good for the entire ride. I thought we only went 4 miles but Google just calculated it as 5 miles. Okay Google, you’ve redeemed yourself from the other day. When we started The Boy had lots to say but after the first mile he got into “The Zone” with his milk and was quiet as a whisper for the rest of the ride.
Dar and G beat us home by a few minutes. I was supposed to have already started dinner but I left my bike computer at home so I didn’t know how long I was gone, or at least that’s the story I’m sticking with. Here are some of Ginger’s finest dance moves.
Awe, look at my beautiful wife being all domestic. Who am I kidding? She makes awesome dinners all the time! Just don’t get between her and olives, you’ll never be the same.
During dinner we were having the usual family chat and Ginger piped up in a very serious tone.
Daddy, we need to talk about something. We don’t know what kind of hair style to do for my picture day tomorrow… or what shirt to wear.
Man, she’s cute!
After we solved the hairstyle and shirt debacle, The Boy kept us all entertained with the squint. He was probably trying to outdo G’s cuteness.
On Monday nights we have Family Home Evening. It’s blocked out family time where we sing hymns, study scripture, read inspiring stories, have family prayer, and finish with a treat (G’s favorite part). Tonight G was the conductor for the music. Her arms were a’flailin’. The story we read was a quick one but the message is good. It’s called Pinkie. G picked it, wanna guess why?