It’s hot in the desert. Dar and Tara have a Snickers moment. The try to get the mail from the mailman. Hazel has the hiccups again. Tara goes shopping with coupons. Tara massages Hazel’s tear glands. The kids and I goof around. We crack open a rancid coconut. I dig buñuelos! I furrow my brow while I concentrate. I laugh like a dragon. I do some night gardening.
January 19, 2012 at 7:54 pm (UTC -8) Link to this comment
omg! i was missing my favorite family! and the sugar stuff for the buñuelos is called piloncillo, btw. :)
January 19, 2012 at 9:54 pm (UTC -8) Link to this comment
Thats sweet MP. Get it… sweet?