


I stay home sick and take Ginger and Brigham to daycare, then I take Hazel to the Doctor. Ginger sings a super cute song. Doc says Hazel is sick but she’ll be okay. I knock out some chores around the house. Darcie buys stuff we don’t need and that we already have… kinda. The French Nostril makes his vlog debut. Brigham starts handing out evil-eyes like they’re going out of style. We all get goofy! @piggyhero123 makes a nice comment on one of our vlogs. Tara comes over to join the festivities.


  1. betty gonia

    Dear Cotton Patch, I am so adicted to your vlog! I love it!. I learned about it this month but started at the beginning and watch several at a time. Sometimes to 4 AM. But I don’t want to go through them too quickly because I don’t want them to run out! I love Evil Eye, tickles, Ginger singing and dancing… I love it all! Will you please adopt me?

    1. Alex

      Wow! That’s one heck of a compliment! Thank you so much.

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