kaiteyh ( http://www.youtube.com/user/kaiteyh ) has just earned herself the much sought after title of SuperFastLightningSurpriseFan!!! Video here: http://youtu.be/b2NJColsvtc Dar tries to scare me with tall tales about sharks in Catalina but I’m cool with it. Everyone’s favorite food is bacon… just ask a vegetarian shark. We go on a path of shopping cart destruction in Home Depot. I make scary faces where Ginger can’t see. The heirloom tomatoes made me CRAZY!!! Dar shows the Mother’s day project she’s planning for the kids in her 4th grade classroom. I grow antenna on my back. The kids and I do the antenna dance. We go out for ice-cream, YUMMY!!!! I feed Brigham spoonful after spoonful of ice-cream while he sits on my shoulders. Ginger tells us that she’s gonna move away when she turns 8 years old.