Tag Archive: Joy

Surprise Wasabi – day 99

It’s sushi night at the Cotton Patch. We love different kinds of food and so do our kids. Ginger and Brigham both love Vegetarian Sushi Rolls. Wasabi is like a HOT SLAP IN THE FACE! The burn is so good and it clears out your sinuses and then disappears. I eat entirely too much wasabi …

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Child Family Planner – day 76

Was that a golf tournament?

Out to diner at Souplantation. Something is up with the bloggie, I charged it all day but have no battery… poop-knuckle! Matt is back from ABQ and he has a cool new shirt. Brigham dances while he eats. The camera runs out of ba…..

Ginger has Sweet Tricks!!!

We put together Ginger’s new princess bike. G is super excited! She puts on her safety gear. We cover the rules of the road. Ginger shares her new skills and some sweet tricks. Dar and Tara are skylarking up a storm and Ginger steps in to regulate. G wants to keep riding. G waters the …

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Poop-thumb Saga

I enhance a spinning top with my Dremel Tool!! Oh yeah. That top is doing about 5,000 RPMs. I prep a garden for G and Grandma Sue. Ginger freezes me with her super ice power. Tyler explains the lesson in the movie Tangled, and now he’s in trouble. I come home to a frozen Darcie …

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Sweet Cakery

Dar had her c-section staples out today and while there she explains what she was thinking last night in her sleepy stupor. Apparently the baby in our bed isn’t ours. We make a little stop at a new cakery called Nana D’s and get sold a knock off pillow pet. Frank and Sherry (Dar’s Aunt …

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Sweet Potato Pie, OH YEAH!!!

I’ve never had sweet potato pie… Until NOW!!! Lets just say that I have a new favorite pie. I’m really not into sweets unless they’re cold and fruity so I’m not really a pie person… this, however, changes the game! It’s not too sweet and the shredded coconut makes it so awesome!!! I asked Matt …

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